We address issues of common concern, to develop consistency, and promote standardization or portability of programs and volunteers, and deliver initiatives that benefit and support all ground search and rescue volunteers in Canada, as well as the general public.
SARVAC represents the thirteen provincial and territorial volunteer Ground Search and Rescue Associations in Canada. The Board of Directors is comprised of volunteer representatives from each of the provinces and territories. Ultimately, SARVAC represents the interests of 9,000 Ground Search and Rescue (GSAR) volunteers throughout Canada who provide search and rescue services on land and inland waters.
We promote the formation of local search and rescue organizations by providing support in the form of guidance and material on organizing and developing local units, educational materials, and consulting services.
SARVAC promotes standardization of ground search and rescue through the development of core competency standards, curriculum development, procedures, communications, and distribution of sample plans, programs, and procedures.
We strive for flexibility in response to meet the requirements of ever changing environments in timely fashion.
Cooperation and collaboration with Provinces and Territories while respecting roles and responsibilities of jurisdictions.
Respecting the cultural diversity of search and rescue providers and users.
Creating value from new ideas moving forward.