Phase of Clean-Up and Recovery in Atlantic Canada: Hurricane Fiona

GSAR teams across Atlantic Canada are prepared to continue providing support. Currently, Prince Edward Island Ground Search and Rescue, Nova Scotia Ground Search and Rescue Association and Newfoundland and Labrador Search and Rescue Association teams are active within the communities impacted most heavily by Hurricane Fiona, who have significant damage to critical infrastructure, homes and personal property. GSAR members are providing vital services such as wellness checks, assisting the RCMP with community protection, traffic control, providing on-scene mobile command centers, communication equipment, mapping software etc., in addition to search and rescue response. 

SARVAC remains ready on a National level to respond if additional assistance is requested by Public Safety Canada, thanks to the Humanitarian Workforce Program

Our hearts are with the families, friends and communities of the loved ones lost, in addition to those currently grappling with the most significant damages including lost homes, flooding and road washouts due to the post-tropical storm.

A reminder to those within communities that have declared a State of local Emergency due to the storm, that SoLE may last up to 7 days unless otherwise stated.

We are thankful for the steps taken in preparation for the storm which residents of the Provinces and communities took in order to keep themselves and their loved ones safe.